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Ehab, bezieler van VerKiKo

Hallo, ik ben Ehab. Ik ben geboren en opgegroeid in Egypte. Sinds 2006 woon ik in België. 

Al mijn hele leven interesseer ik mij voor de historische plaatsen en gebouwen in mijn geboorteland. Daarom studeerde ik Egyptologie en Archeologie aan de universiteit van Caïro.

Na mijn studies werkte ik als gids voor Engelstalige toeristen in heel Egypte. Omdat ik graag bijleer, ging ik naar Nederland om aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam Nederlands te studeren. Zo kon ik ook Nederlandstalige toeristen begeleiden in mijn prachtige land. In Egypte werk ik als reisleider, gids en egyptoloog.

Nu ben ik reisleider en reisorganisator in verschillende landen in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika. Ik hou heel veel van mijn werk en vind het heel leuk dat ik andere mensen over mijn land of andere landen kan leren. Mijn moedertaal is Arabisch, dus ik kan onderhandelen in alle mogelijke situaties. 

Wanneer ik in België ben, werk ik als beëdigd tolk Arabisch-Nederlands in gerechtelijke en politiezaken.

Samen met mijn vrouw en twee schatten van kinderen woon ik in de prachtige Kempen nabij Antwerpen. Aan mijn lieve vrouw heb ik onder meer mijn Vlaamse tongval te danken.

Melad, lokale Engelstalige reisleider in Egypte

Dear Friends,

My name is Melad. I will be your guide on your fantastic travels in Egypt.

Egypt holds the key that unlocks seven millennia of history and hospitality. I invite you to explore this living, breathing past with me!

When you visit Egypt, you will stand in awe before the ancient treasures. You will marvel at its natural beauty; the golden dunes of the Sahara, the fertile Nile valley, and the underwater paradise of the Red Sea. But most of all, you will be impressed by the warmth, generosity and hospitality of its people.

Egyptians are justifiably proud of our very special country; a fascinating blend of timeless traditions and modern innovations; a colorful tapestry of many cultures living together harmoniously. I genuinely care about my country, my guests, and your well-being while in Egypt. I want you to enjoy your visit, and allow me to share with you the very best Egypt has to offer!

The best thing you can have in every place is someone that can take you around and show you exactly what you want, and enable you to dive straight into the local culture, traditions and more. 

I have been working as a tour guide throughout Egypt for over 16 years. I know that once you have traveled with me, Egypt and its people will always have a special place in your heart!

Welcome home to Egypt!


Hamza, lokale Engelstalige reisleider in Marokko

Hello, my name is Hamza. I'm from Skoura, a small town in an oasis in the south-east of Morocca, in the middle of the Moroccan Sahara desert. I studied physics in Agadir and Casablanca. But my heart lay elsewhere.

I was drawn to tourism and I wanted to tell people about my country. I love to travel. I started working in tourism as a driver. Then, I studied and started working as a national Moroccan guide in 2017. Moreover, I took in an intensive English course at the American School in Marrakech.

I've been everywhere in Morocco. My country has a lot to offer. Both nature, with its sea, Sahara desert, and rivers. And culture, with its various historical sites, especially in Marrakech. Morocco has one of the oldest civilizations in Africa and is a trade hub between Africa and Europe.

I would love to show you around!


Abood, lokale Engelstalige reisleider in Jordanië

Welcome to my corner of the world!

I'm Abood, a 29-year-old Jordanian with a passion for travel, culture, and history. Having lived most of my life in the enchanting land of Jordan and spent three adventurous years in China, I bring a unique perspective to the table.

Armed with a degree in BA and fluency in both English and Mandarin, I am licensed to accompany and guide travelers from all walks of life. As a Jordanian tour guide and leader, I take pride in showcasing the hidden gems and captivating stories that make my homeland truly special.

Hailing from the picturesque coastal city of Aqaba, I am a true beach person, and my heart lies in promoting Jordan's diverse cultures and rich history.

Join me on a journey of exploration and discovery, as we unravel the wonders of Jordan together!

Khalil, lokale reisleider in Libanon

Hello, my name is Khalil. I'm a Lebanese registered touristic guide since 2010.

I have 2 diplomas in tourism, an extensive knowledge of archeology and a passion to work with people. I speak English and French fluently.

I live in one of the oldest cities in the world: Byblos, a town with 7000 years of history.

I guide tourists on their discovery of Lebanon as well as people visiting for pilgrimage.

I am looking forward to your visit to Lebanon and being, with great pleasure, your guide. You will enjoy our historical sites, our famous and delicious food, our nightlife, as well as various other activities. Welcome to Lebanon!